Sunday, 20 August 2023

How To Call A Stored Procedure/Function From A Trigger Function In Postg...

In this tutorial, you will learn how to call a stored procedure or function from a trigger function in PostgreSQL. This video is designed for developers and database administrators who want to automate tasks or enforce business rules by leveraging the power of triggers in PostgreSQL. We'll begin by explaining what triggers are and how they work within a PostgreSQL database. Next, we'll walk you through the process of creating a trigger function that can invoke a stored procedure or function whenever a specific event occurs in your database, such as an insert, update, or delete operation. You'll see practical examples and gain insights into how this powerful feature can enhance your database applications. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be confident in your ability to implement triggers that call stored procedures or functions, adding a new level of automation and functionality to your PostgreSQL projects.

PostgreSQL triggers, stored procedure PostgreSQL, function PostgreSQL, call stored procedure from trigger, PostgreSQL tutorial, trigger function PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL automation, database triggers, SQL tutorial, PostgreSQL functions, PostgreSQL stored procedures, PostgreSQL 16, SQL triggers, PostgreSQL trigger examples, database management, PostgreSQL development, SQL server, trigger stored procedure, PostgreSQL database, PostgreSQL trigger function tutorial

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Working with triggers is fun and learning. There are endless possibilities that can be achieved through Triggers.

This time, I have explained the usage of Triggers to call other stored procedures or functions in PostgreSQL Trigger Functions.

#trigger #procedure #function #postgresql #database

    roll numeric(10,0),
    name character varying(30),
    course character varying(30)

trigger_proc(in_value1 IN numeric, in_value2 IN numeric, out_result OUT numeric)
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
lv_msg CHARACTER varying(100);
  out_result := in_value1 + in_value2;
when others then
lv_msg := 'Error : '||sqlerrm;
raise notice '%',lv_msg;

trigger_func(in_value1 IN numeric, in_value2 IN numeric) returns numeric
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
lv_msg CHARACTER varying(100);
out_result numeric (10);
  out_result := in_value1 + in_value2;
return out_result;
when others then
lv_msg := 'Error :'||sqlerrm;
raise notice '%',lv_msg;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION student_logs_trg_func()
    LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
lv_out_proc numeric(10);
lv_out_func numeric(10);
call trigger_proc(50, 50, lv_out_proc);
lv_out_func := trigger_func(100, 100);
raise notice 'Proc Output: %',lv_out_proc;
raise notice 'Func Output: %',lv_out_func;
return new;

CREATE TRIGGER student_trg
    ON students
    EXECUTE FUNCTION student_logs_trg_func();

Insert into students values (1, 'Akram', 'MCA');

How To Call A Stored Procedure/Function From A Trigger Function In PostgreSQL
How To Call A Stored Procedure From A Trigger Function
Trigger Function In PostgreSQL
How To Call Stored Function From Trigger Function
Trigger In PostgreSQL
Call Procedure From Trigger
Call Function From Trigger
Procedure Call From Trigger In PostgreSQL
Function Call From Trigger In PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL Triggers
Trigger Example PostgreSQL
How To Triggers PostgreSQL

Sunday, 13 August 2023

How To Use/Create Temporary/Temp Tables In PostgreSQL Procedure/Function...

🚀 Master PostgreSQL Temp Tables with this comprehensive guide! Temporary tables are a game-changer when handling intermediate data or complex queries in PostgreSQL. In this video, I'll walk you through:

🔸 Creating Temporary Tables in PostgreSQL
🔸 The differences between local and global temp tables
🔸 How to effectively use temp tables within procedures and functions
🔸 Best practices for managing and dropping temp tables
🔸 Real-world examples to enhance your SQL skills

Whether you're a seasoned database administrator or a developer looking to optimize your SQL queries, this tutorial will give you the tools you need to handle temporary data with ease.

💡 Don't miss out! Boost your database management skills today by learning how to leverage temp tables in PostgreSQL.

Got questions? 🤔 Drop them in the comments below, and let’s discuss!

#PostgreSQL #SQL #DatabaseManagement #TempTables #GlobalTempTables #Programming #TechTips #Coding #SoftwareDevelopment #DataManagement

PostgreSQL, temp tables, temporary tables, global temp tables, SQL, stored procedures, functions, database management, SQL performance, PostgreSQL tutorial, database optimization, SQL best practices, SQL queries, PostgreSQL procedures

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-- Global Temporary Tables Usage In PostgreSQL Procedure/Function
-- How To Use Temporary Tables In PostgreSQL Procedure/Function
create or replace procedure temp_tables_proc()
    language plpgsql
    as $$
v_count numeric(10);
create temp table temp_tables(name character varying(100)) on commit preserve rows;
insert into temp_tables values ('Mumbai');
insert into temp_tables values ('Pune');
select count(*) into v_count from temp_tables;
raise notice 'Records : %', v_count;
drop table temp_tables;

when others then
raise notice 'Error : %', substr (sqlerrm, 1, 100);

call temp_tables_proc();

Saturday, 12 August 2023

What Are Global Temporary Tables And Temp Tables In PostgreSQL Database ...

🔍 Curious about Temporary Tables in PostgreSQL? Whether you're dealing with complex data processing or just need a temporary storage solution, understanding temp tables can significantly boost your database management skills.

In this video, we’ll cover:

  • 🤔 What are Global Temporary Tables and how they differ from standard temp tables.
  • 🛠️ Step-by-step guide on creating and using temp tables in PostgreSQL.
  • 🚀 Best practices for using temp tables effectively within your database environment.
  • 💼 Real-life examples to demonstrate the use cases of temp tables.

This tutorial is perfect for developers, database administrators, and anyone looking to optimize their PostgreSQL database performance.

📈 Level up your PostgreSQL knowledge and start using temp tables like a pro. Don’t forget to leave your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

#PostgreSQL #SQL #Database #TempTables #GlobalTempTables #DataManagement #Programming #SoftwareDevelopment #TechTips

PostgreSQL, Temp Tables, Global Temporary Tables, SQL Tutorial, Database, Database Tips, SQL Functions, Temporary Tables

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-- Global Temporary Tables In PostgreSQL Database

create temporary table temp_location
city varchar(50),
street varchar(40)
) on commit delete rows;

select * from temp_location;

create temp table temp_cities
name character varying(100)
) on commit delete rows;

select * from temp_cities;

drop table temp_cities;

begin transaction;

insert into temp_cities values ('Mumbai');

insert into temp_cities values ('Pune');


create temp table temp_cities
name character varying(100)
) on commit preserve rows;

begin transaction;
create temp table temp_cities
name character varying(100)
) on commit drop;

select * from temp_cities;