Wednesday, 12 August 2020

How To Display Output Message Like DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE In PostgreSQL Us...

If you’re accustomed to using Oracle’s DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to display messages during the execution of your scripts, you might wonder how to do something similar in PostgreSQL. This video tutorial is here to help! We’ll walk you through the process of using PL/pgSQL's RAISE NOTICE within pgAdmin, allowing you to display output messages that are crucial for debugging and monitoring your stored procedures.

We start by exploring the basics of PL/pgSQL, PostgreSQL's procedural language. Then, we’ll demonstrate how to write simple functions and procedures that include output messages using the RAISE NOTICE command. This approach is especially useful for those who are transitioning from Oracle to PostgreSQL and need a familiar way to track their code execution.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to implement and use output messages in PostgreSQL, enabling you to better monitor, debug, and refine your database scripts in pgAdmin.

PostgreSQL, PLpgSQL, pgAdmin, RAISE NOTICE, DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE, SQL commands, PostgreSQL debugging, database monitoring, PLpgSQL tutorials, PostgreSQL output messages

How To Display Output Message Like DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE In Oracle Using PostgreSQL || Learn PL/pgSQL
How To Display Output Message Like DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE In PostgreSQL Using PgAdmin | Learn PL/pgSQL

-- The Purpose is to Display Message like DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE

-- of Oracle in PostgreSQL

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.proc(p_num1 IN numeric,p_num2 IN numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'



v_sum numeric;

v_mult numeric;

v_div numeric;


v_sum := p_num1 + p_num2;

v_mult := p_num1 * p_num2;


v_div := TRUNC(p_num1/p_num2);


v_div := 0;


RAISE NOTICE 'The Sum is : %',v_sum;

RAISE NOTICE 'The Multiplication is : %',v_mult;

RAISE NOTICE 'The Division is : %',v_div;



CALL public.proc(10,2);

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

How To Create A Stored Procedure And Return Multiple Values From The Sto...

-- purpose is to return multiple values (more than one value) from a stored procedure

-- in PostgreSQL

How To Create A Stored Procedure And Return Multiple Values From The Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL

In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a stored procedure in PostgreSQL that returns multiple values. Stored procedures are an essential tool in database management, allowing you to encapsulate complex logic and reuse it throughout your applications.

We begin by explaining the basics of stored procedures in PostgreSQL, including the syntax and the different ways to return values. You’ll learn how to declare variables, use the OUT parameters, and return multiple results from a single procedure. We’ll also cover how to call the stored procedure from pgAdmin and SQL Shell (psql), making sure you’re comfortable executing these procedures in different environments.

This video is ideal for developers, database administrators, and anyone looking to deepen their understanding of PostgreSQL. By the end of the tutorial, you’ll have the skills to create your own stored procedures that can return multiple values, enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of your database operations.

PostgreSQL, stored procedure, multiple values, PostgreSQL tutorial, PLpgSQL, pgAdmin, database development, SQL commands, database management, returning multiple values

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 IN numeric,p_num2 IN numeric,p_sum INOUT numeric,p_mult INOUT numeric,p_div INOUT numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'




p_sum := p_num1 + p_num2;

p_mult := p_num1 * p_num2;


p_div := p_num1/p_num2;


p_div := 0;




CALL public.testing_procedure(10,0,null,null,0);

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 IN numeric,p_num2 IN numeric,p_sum INOUT numeric,p_mult INOUT numeric,p_div INOUT text)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'




p_sum := p_num1 + p_num2;

p_mult := p_num1 * p_num2;


p_div := p_num1/p_num2;


p_div := 'You cannot divide a value by zero';




CALL public.testing_procedure(10,0,null,null,'0');

How To Create A Stored Procedure With Parameter Modes IN INOUT OUT Modes...

How To Create A Stored Procedure With Parameter Modes IN INOUT OUT Modes In Postgresql || PL/pgSQL

-- purpose is to create a stored procedure with parameter mode (IN, INOUT) and call it

-- IN Only Input and it is default

-- OUT Only Output, only OUT is not allowed in Stored Procedure in PostgreSQL

-- INOUT Input + Output

In this video tutorial, you’ll learn how to create stored procedures in PostgreSQL using different parameter modes: IN, INOUT, and OUT. These parameter modes are crucial for controlling the flow of data within your stored procedures and can greatly enhance the flexibility and power of your database functions.

We start by explaining the purpose of each parameter mode:

  • IN: This mode allows you to pass data into the procedure.
  • OUT: This mode is used to return data from the procedure.
  • INOUT: This mode allows a parameter to be passed in and modified within the procedure, then returned.

After covering the basics, we dive into practical examples where you’ll see how to implement these modes in a stored procedure using PL/pgSQL. You’ll also learn how to call these procedures from pgAdmin and SQL Shell (psql), ensuring you can apply these techniques in real-world scenarios.

This tutorial is designed for database administrators, developers, and anyone interested in advancing their PostgreSQL knowledge. By the end of this video, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use parameter modes effectively within your stored procedures, allowing for more dynamic and reusable database functions.

PostgreSQL, stored procedure, parameter modes, IN parameter, OUT parameter, INOUT parameter, PLpgSQL, PostgreSQL tutorial, database management, SQL commands, pgAdmin

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 IN numeric,p_num2 IN numeric, p_sum INOUT numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'




p_sum := p_num1 + p_num2;



CALL public.testing_procedure(13,10,-1);

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 IN numeric,p_num2 IN numeric, p_sum INOUT numeric,p_mult INOUT numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'




p_sum := p_num1 + p_num2;

p_mult := p_num1 * p_num2;



CALL public.testing_procedure(3,0,-1,-1);

How To Create A Stored Procedure And Insert Data Into A Table By Calling...

How To Create A Stored Procedure And Insert Data Into A Table By Calling/Using The Stored Procedure

In this tutorial, you’ll master the process of creating a stored procedure in PostgreSQL and learn how to insert data into a table by calling this procedure. Stored procedures are essential for encapsulating complex SQL operations, and this video will guide you through each step of the process.

We begin by introducing the concept of stored procedures and their benefits, particularly in terms of code reuse and simplifying database management. You'll see a detailed explanation of how to define a stored procedure in PL/pgSQL, the procedural language of PostgreSQL.

Next, we focus on a practical example: creating a stored procedure that inserts data into a specific table. This part of the video will show you:

  • How to declare the procedure.
  • How to define the input parameters that will pass the data to be inserted.
  • How to write the SQL commands within the procedure to perform the data insertion.

Finally, you’ll learn how to call this stored procedure from both pgAdmin and SQL Shell (psql), ensuring that you can apply this knowledge in your daily database management tasks.

This tutorial is perfect for database administrators, developers, and anyone looking to improve their PostgreSQL skills. By the end of the video, you’ll have the knowledge to efficiently create and utilize stored procedures for data manipulation in PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL, stored procedure, insert data, SQL, table insertion, PLpgSQL, PostgreSQL tutorial, database management, pgAdmin, SQL Shell, data manipulation

-- the purpose is to create a simple stored procedure in PostgreSQL

-- and Insert Data in the table by calling it using pgAdmin
CREATE TABLE public.testing_table (dummy_column text);
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_msg text)
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
INSERT INTO public.testing_table(dummy_column) VALUES('Before Inserting Parameter Value');
INSERT INTO public.testing_table(dummy_column) VALUES (p_msg);
INSERT INTO public.testing_table(dummy_column) VALUES('After Inserting Parameter Value');
SELECT * FROM public.testing_table;
DELETE from public.testing_table;

CALL public.testing_procedure('Hello Akram, How are you?');
Before Inserting
the message I pass as a parameter
After Inserting...

How To Resolve/Fix Issue Could Not Connect To Server Connection Refused ...

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How To Resolve/Fix Issue Could Not Connect To Server Connection Refused In PostgreSQL pgAdmin 4
How To resolve Issue Application Server Could Not Be Contacted In PostgreSQL

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Overloading Of A Stored Function In PostgreSQL || Stored Function Overlo...

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Overloading Of A Stored Function In PostgreSQL || Stored Function Overloading || PL/pgSQL Tutorials

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.testing_function(p_num1 numeric, p_num2 numeric)

RETURNS numeric

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_result numeric;


v_result := p_num1 + p_num2;

RETURN v_result;



CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.testing_function(p_num1 numeric, p_num2 numeric,p_num3 numeric)

RETURNS numeric

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_result numeric;


v_result := p_num1 + p_num2 + p_num3;

RETURN v_result;



CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.testing_function(p_num1 numeric, p_num2 numeric,p_num3 numeric,p_num4 numeric)

RETURNS numeric

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_result numeric;


v_result := p_num1 + p_num2 + p_num3 + p_num4;

RETURN v_result;



SELECT public.testing_function(14,5);

SELECT public.testing_function(14,10,50);

SELECT public.testing_function(10,20,30,50);

Overloading Of A Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL | Stored Procedure Overl...

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Overloading Of A Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL | Stored Procedure Overloading | PL/pgSQL Tutorials

CREATE TABLE public.testing(demo_column text);

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_msg text)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'




INSERT INTO public.testing(demo_column) VALUES (p_msg);



CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 numeric, p_num2 numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'



v_result numeric;


v_result := p_num1+p_num2;

INSERT INTO public.testing(demo_column) VALUES ('The Sum is '||v_result);



CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 numeric, p_num2 numeric,p_num3 numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'



v_result numeric;


v_result := p_num1+p_num2 +p_num3;

INSERT INTO public.testing(demo_column) VALUES ('The Sum is '||v_result);



CALL public.testing_procedure('Hello Akram');

CALL public.testing_procedure(3,5);

CALL public.testing_procedure(3,5,67);

SELECT * FROM public.testing;

How To Handle Exception In A Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL || PL/pgSQL ...

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The Purpose Is To Handle Exception In A Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL || PL/pgSQL Tutorials Exception Handling

-- without exception block

CREATE TABLE public.testing (demo_column text);

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 numeric,p_num2 numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'



v_result numeric;


v_result := p_num1/p_num2;

INSERT INTO public.testing(demo_column) VALUES(v_result);



CALL public.testing_procedure(100,0);

SELECT * from public.testing;

-- with exception block

CREATE TABLE public.testing (demo_column text);

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_num1 numeric,p_num2 numeric)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'



v_result text;



v_result := p_num1/p_num2;


v_result := 'You cannot divide a number by zero.';


INSERT INTO public.testing(demo_column) VALUES(v_result);



CALL public.testing_procedure(100,20);

SELECT * from public.testing;

How To Create A Simple Parameterized Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL And ...

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-- purpose is to create a simple parameterized stored procedure in postgreSQL

-- and call it using pgAdmin

CREATE TABLE public.testing (demo_column text);

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure(p_msg text)

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'




INSERT into public.testing(demo_column) values(p_msg);



call public.testing_procedure('Hello Akram, We are watching Knowledge 360');

SELECT * from public.testing;

How To Create A Simple Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL And Call Using pgA...

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-- purpose is to create a simple stored procedure in postgreSQL

-- and call it using pgAdmin

CREATE TABLE public.testing (demo_column text);

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.testing_procedure()

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'



v_msg text;


v_msg := 'Hello Akram, We are watching Knowledge 360';

Insert into public.testing(demo_column) values (v_msg);



call public.testing_procedure();

SELECT * from public.testing;

Saturday, 8 August 2020

How To Handle Exception In A Stored Function/Procedure In PostgreSQL | E...

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-- without exception block

-- purpose is to handle exception in a stored function in PostgreSQL and call it

SELECT public.testing_function(100,0);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.testing_function(p_num1 numeric, p_num2 numeric)

RETURNS numeric

LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_result numeric;


v_result := p_num1/p_num2;

RETURN v_result;



---with exception block

SELECT public.testing_function(100,0);

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.testing_function(p_num1 numeric, p_num2 numeric)


LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_result text;



v_result := p_num1/p_num2;


v_result := 'You cannot divide by Zero, try Again';


RETURN v_result;



How To Create A Parameterized Stored Function In PostgreSQL || Pass Para...

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SELECT public.testing_function(101,'Hello Akram');

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.testing_function(p_num numeric,p_msg text)


LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_return_msg text;


v_return_msg := p_msg ||' '||p_num;

return v_return_msg;



How To Create A Stored Function In PostgreSQL And Call Stored Function I...

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SELECT public.testing_function();

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.testing_function()


LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_return_msg text;


v_return_msg := 'Hello Akram';

return v_return_msg;



Friday, 31 July 2020

How To Load Database In PostgreSQL Using CMD Command Prompt Or PSQL Comm...

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pg_restore -U postgres -d dvdrental D:\dvdrental.tar
psql -U postgres postgres < D:\dvdrental.sql

The Purpose is to load database using CMD in PostgreSQL, 2 ways to do it.

How To Convert Table Records Into JSON Array In PostgreSQL | row_to_json...

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-- Purpose is to convert table records into JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)


select * from actor;

select row_to_json(row(actor_id,first_name)) from actor;

select row_to_json(actor_alias)

from (select actor_id,first_name from actor) actor_alias;

select row_to_json(actor) from actor;


select array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(actor_alias)))

from (select * from actor) actor_alias;

Thursday, 16 July 2020

How To Pass Array As Parameter Into A Stored Function/Procedure In Postg...

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CREATE TABLE public.testing


my_values numeric


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.test_func(p_values numeric[])


LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100




v_array_length numeric(10,0) := 0;

v_msg character varying(100) := null;


v_array_length := array_length(p_values,1);

if (v_array_length > 0) then

for i in 1..v_array_length loop

insert into public.testing (my_values) values (p_values[i]);

end loop;

v_msg := 'Array Processed Successfully With Length'||v_array_length;


v_msg := 'Array having no values';

end if;

return v_msg;



SELECT public.test_func('{123,34}'::numeric[]);  -- 1

SELECT public.test_func('{123,34}');  -- 2

SELECT public.test_func('{}');  -- 3

select * from public.testing;

How To Take Backup Of Database As SQL/TAR File And How Restore Database ...

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In this video, I have explained How To Take Backup Of Database As SQL/TAR File And How Restore Database In PostgreSQL Using pgAdmin4.
This is a very helpful video if you are a developer working with PostgreSQL.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

How To Export Table Data Into A CSV File And Import Data From CSV File I...

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The purpose is to Export table data into a CSV (comma-separated values) file and import data from a CSV file into a table in PostgreSQL using pgAdmin.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

The Snake Game Project In C Language With Source Code Explanation 2020 |...

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In this project, you can play the popular “Snake Game” just like you played it elsewhere.
You have to use the up, down, right or left arrows to move the snake.
Foods are provided at the several co-ordinates of the screen for the snake to eat.
Every time the snake eats the food, its length will be increased by one element along with the '*'.

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The Quiz Game Project In C Language With Source Code Explanation 2020 | ...

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In this project, a number of questions are asked, and the user is awarded a cash prize for each correct answer given.
In the quiz games, questions are chosen in such a way that they cover all fields of a typical quiz contest.
The user’s general knowledge is tested with quiz questions regarding science, technology, movies, sports, general health, geography, and many more.

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Monday, 8 June 2020

The Calendar Project In C Language 2020 Download With Source Code Explan...

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In this Calender application project, there are 3 important operations are done.

Such as To find out the day corresponding to a given date, the date, month, and year

are asked and You can list the days and dates of any month of any year.

You can navigate the months using arrow keys, or press ‘n’ and ‘p’ keys to

view the next and previous months respectively.

The third feature is file handling which can add important notes with corresponding dates.

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The Student Record System Project In C Language With Source Code Explana...

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This project is used for files as a database to perform file handling operations such as

add, search, modify, and delete records to manage students’ records.

Using this project, you can also generate a mark-sheet for students.

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Sunday, 7 June 2020

The Contact Management System Project In C Language Source Code Explanat...

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Using this project, we can easily add, view, edit, search, and delete contacts.
We can list contacts by name, phone no., address, and email.
File handling is used to record all data so that after the termination of the program data persists.
Here a data structure is used to store the name, email, and contact.
The coding of the project is short and simple.

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The Phone Book Application Project In C Language With Source Code Explan...

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In this project Adding new records, listing them, modifying them,

Search for contacts saved, and deleting the phonebook records, are the basic functions,

which make up the main menu of this Phonebook application.

A structure is used to carry information about a contact.

The phonebook is a very simple mini project in C that can help you understand the basic concepts of functions,

file handling, and data structure.

This application will teach you how to add, list, modify or edit, search, and delete data from the file.

The coding of the project is very short and simple.

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Saturday, 6 June 2020

The Employee Record System Project In C Language With Source Code Explan...

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In this Employee record system project, you can manage employee records by adding, listing, modifying, and deleting records.

 Understanding this project will help you learn how to add, view, change, and remove data using file handling.

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The Telecom Billing System Project In C Language With Source Code Explan...

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Using this project you can perform and manage billing operations like they do in Telecom companies.
You can also make payment by providing your phone number instead of name and all data added or modified are recorded in a file.
You can add records with name, phone number, and the amount of payment, and You can view, modify, search, and delete existing records.
This project will also teach you how to add, list, edit, search, and delete records using file handling.

NB: You Need to change Drive/File path accordingly, Here I am doing in D:

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The TicTacToe Game In C Language With Source Code Explanation Free Downl...

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In the C Tic Tac Toe game is a simple console application without graphics.
While making a Tic Tac Toe game using C language, it is important to make use of arrays.
The Xs and Os are kept in different arrays, and they are passed between several functions in the code to keep track of how the game goes.
With the code here you can play the game choosing either X or O against the computer.

To put your turn, you need to specify the position thinking it as a 3x3 array. For example,
if you want to put your turn in the middle of 3rd row, you should enter 8 and so on.

The game is so built, either it's Drawn or the Computer Wins, challenge for you to play this game and win against the computer !!!

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The Hangman Game In C Language With Source Code Explanation And Free Dow...

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The main purpose of this Hangman game project is to illustrate the use of control structures.
Hangman Game has been designed to demonstrate different application formats and syntaxes of C programming language.

The source code of the game is easy, short, understandable, and user friendly and when you start the game, the game asks you to guess a character.
The Hangman Game in C gives five chances to guess and If you are able to match the character in five guesses, you will be the winner.
If you fail to match the character in fives guesses, you will lose the game and hanged by Hangman Game in C.

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Friday, 5 June 2020

How To Create And Call Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL Using pgAdmin4 || ...

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How To Create And Call Stored Procedure In PostgreSQL Using pgAdmin4
Procedure In PostgreSQL.
In this video, I explained How To Create and Call a Stored Procedure in PostgreSQL.

How To Convert Date Timestamp Value To Numeric And Numeric To Timestamp ...

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How To Convert Date Timestamp Value To Numeric And Numeric To Timestamp In PostgreSQL Using pgAdmin4

select cast(extract(epoch from now()) as integer);

select to_timestamp(1591369682);

-- Purpose is to Cast/ Convert A Date value (timestap) to Number and Vice-Versa




-- 1591372301

Saturday, 30 May 2020

How To Download/Restore/Load Sample Database In PostgreSQL Using pgAdmin4

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We will use the DVD rental database for demonstrating the features of PostgreSQL.

The DVD rental database represents the business processes of a DVD rental store. The DVD rental database has many objects including:

15 tables

1 trigger


8 functions

1 domain

13 sequences

PostgreSQL Sample Database Tables

There are 15 tables in the DVD Rental database:

actor – stores actors data including first name and last name.

film – stores films data such as title, release year, length, rating, etc.

film_actor – stores the relationships between films and actors.

category – stores film’s categories data.

film_category- stores the relationships between films and categories.

store – contains the store data including manager staff and address.

inventory – stores inventory data.

rental – stores rental data.

payment – stores customer’s payments.

staff – stores staff data.

customer – stores customers data.

address – stores address data for staff and customers

city – stores the city names.

country – stores the country names.

You can use the pgAdmin tool to restore the sample database from the downloaded database file using the following steps:

First, launch the pgAdmin tool and connect to the PostgreSQL server.

Next, right-click on the dvdrental database and choose Restore… menu item as shown:

After that, wait for a few seconds to let the restoration process completes.

Finally, open the dvdrental database from object browser panel, you will see the tables in the public schema and other database objects as shown.

We have shown you how to load the dvdrental sample database into the PostgreSQL database server for learning and practicing PostgreSQL.

Let’s start learning PostgreSQL and have fun!

How To Return A Table From A Function In PostgreSQL || PostgreSQL Tips

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Sometimes for our needs, we may need to return a table from a user-defined function a table. In this blog, we will see how to accomplish this using the PostgreSQL database.

Before going to function and it’s implementation, let’s create a table and store several dummy records in it.
After insertion, let’s check the table values by executing the below statement.

select * from public.functiontest;

CREATE TABLE public.FunctionTest
id numeric,
name character varying

ALTER TABLE public.FunctionTest
OWNER to postgres;

We have created a table named FunctionTest having 2 columns only.

Let’s put records in it.

INSERT INTO public.functiontest(
id, name)
VALUES (1, 'Akram');

INSERT INTO public.functiontest(
id, name)
VALUES (2, 'Sohail');

The output is shown in the above snapshot.

Now suppose we want to retrieve all the data available in the table by using a user-defined function.

To do it, let’s create a function.

RETURNS TABLE(v_id numeric, v_name character varying)
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'

COST 100
ROWS 1000



ALTER FUNCTION public.get_data()
OWNER TO postgres;

We have created a simple function get_data() that will return us all the data present in the table functiontest.

To return a table from the function, we use RETURNS TABLE syntax and specify the columns of the table. Each column is separated by a comma (,).

In the function, we return a query that is a result of a SELECT statement. We can see that the columns in the SELECT statement must match with the columns of the table that we want to return.

To call the function, we use the following statement.

SELECT public.get_data();

As we know, the function is returning a table, so here is the output for the called function.
We can also call the function as below, that gives better tabular form output.

SELECT * from get_data();

The above snapshot are the outcome of the function get_data().
So in this way we return a table from a function in PostgreSQL.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

How To Download And Install PostgreSQL 12.3 Latest Release In 64 Bit Windows 10 in 2020 || Knowledge 360

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Hello Friends, I am Akram and in this blog, I will tell you how to download and install the PostgreSQL 12.3 latest release in your windows 10 PC of 64 bit.

1. Click this link to download the installation file, which is of 190 MBs.

2. Install the file and follow step by step procedure.

3. When the installation is done, click on the finish.

4. Search for PgAdmin.

5. Now Enter the password you had given while installing.

Note:- Please take a screenshot of the configuration summary. If you forgot to, please watch the video again and uninstall the file and again install it.