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We will use the DVD rental database for demonstrating the features of PostgreSQL.
The DVD rental database represents the business processes of a DVD rental store. The DVD rental database has many objects including:
15 tables
1 trigger
8 functions
1 domain
13 sequences
PostgreSQL Sample Database Tables
There are 15 tables in the DVD Rental database:
actor – stores actors data including first name and last name.
film – stores films data such as title, release year, length, rating, etc.
film_actor – stores the relationships between films and actors.
category – stores film’s categories data.
film_category- stores the relationships between films and categories.
store – contains the store data including manager staff and address.
inventory – stores inventory data.
rental – stores rental data.
payment – stores customer’s payments.
staff – stores staff data.
customer – stores customers data.
address – stores address data for staff and customers
city – stores the city names.
country – stores the country names.
You can use the pgAdmin tool to restore the sample database from the downloaded database file using the following steps:
First, launch the pgAdmin tool and connect to the PostgreSQL server.
Next, right-click on the dvdrental database and choose Restore… menu item as shown:
After that, wait for a few seconds to let the restoration process completes.
Finally, open the dvdrental database from object browser panel, you will see the tables in the public schema and other database objects as shown.
We have shown you how to load the dvdrental sample database into the PostgreSQL database server for learning and practicing PostgreSQL.
Let’s start learning PostgreSQL and have fun!