Thursday, 25 May 2023

How To Create And Call A Stored Procedure/Function With Refcursor As OUT...

In this video, we dive deep into the process of creating and calling stored procedures or functions with REFCURSOR as an OUT parameter in PostgreSQL. REFCURSOR is a powerful feature in PostgreSQL that allows you to return a cursor from a stored procedure, enabling you to handle result sets more flexibly.

First, we guide you through the process of defining a stored procedure or function with a REFCURSOR OUT parameter. You'll learn how to structure your SQL code to create a procedure that can return query results via a cursor.

Next, we demonstrate how to call this procedure or function from your PostgreSQL environment, retrieving the data returned by the REFCURSOR. We provide step-by-step examples to ensure you can follow along and implement these techniques in your own projects.

We also cover best practices for managing stored procedures with cursors, including tips on optimizing performance and avoiding common pitfalls. Whether you're a database administrator, developer, or just getting started with PostgreSQL, this video will help you unlock new capabilities in your database management.

PostgreSQL stored procedure, REFCURSOR in PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL function with cursor, create stored procedure PostgreSQL, call stored procedure PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL REFCURSOR example, PostgreSQL stored function, PostgreSQL cursor management, SQL stored procedures, database function with cursor

create or replace function refcur_function
(in_actor_id IN numeric, refcur_output refcursor)
returns refcursor
language plpgsql
as $$
open refcur_output for
Select title from film, film_actor
where film.film_id = film_actor.film_id
and film_actor.actor_id = in_actor_id;
return refcur_output;
exception when others then
raise notice 'Something Went Wrong';
end; $$

select refcur_function(1, 'refcur_output');
fetch all in refcur_output;

select refcur_function(2, 'refcur_output');
fetch all in refcur_output;

How To Create And Call A Stored Procedure Function With Refcursor As OUT Parameter In PostgreSQL
,Function With Refcursor OUT Parameter
,Procedure With Refcursor OUT Parameter
,Create A Function With Refcursor OUT Parameter
,Create A Procedure With Refcursor OUT Parameter
,Call A Stored Function With Refcursor OUT Parameter
,PLpgSQL Language
,PostgreSQL PLpgSQL Language
,Refcursor OUT
,Function Refcursor OUT
,Procedure Refcursor OUT

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