Wednesday, 4 January 2023

PostgreSQL Cursors || Cursors Available In PostgreSQL || Part 1 Simple C...

In this video, we introduce you to PostgreSQL Cursors, focusing on simple cursors as the first part of our series on cursors available in PostgreSQL. Cursors are an essential tool for managing large result sets, allowing you to retrieve and process data in smaller, more manageable chunks rather than all at once.

We start by explaining what a cursor is and how it works in PostgreSQL. You'll learn the scenarios where cursors are particularly useful, such as when working with large datasets or when you need to process query results row by row. The video then guides you through the steps to create and use a simple cursor, with clear and concise examples to help you understand how to implement this in your own database projects.

Additionally, we discuss best practices for using cursors effectively, ensuring that you can handle large amounts of data without overloading your system or causing performance issues. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid understanding of how to leverage simple cursors in PostgreSQL, setting the foundation for more advanced cursor techniques in upcoming videos.

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to expand your PostgreSQL skills, this video is a great resource for understanding and utilizing cursors in your database operations.

PostgreSQL cursors, simple cursor PostgreSQL, using cursors in PostgreSQL, SQL cursors tutorial, PostgreSQL database management, fetch data with cursors, PostgreSQL cursor example, data handling PostgreSQL, database optimization, PostgreSQL tutorial

call simple_cursor();

create or replace procedure simple_cursor()
language plpgsql
as $$
lv_string character varying(200);
rec1 record;
cur1 cursor for 
select actor_id, first_name, last_name as end_name from actor order by actor_id;
open cur1;
fetch cur1 into rec1;
exit when not found;
lv_string := 'Actor ID: '||rec1.actor_id||', Actor First Name: '||rec1.first_name||', Actor Last Name: '||rec1.end_name;
raise notice '%',lv_string;
end loop;
close cur1;
exception when others then
raise notice 'Something Went Wrong';


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