Thursday, 12 January 2023

PostgreSQL Cursors || Cursors Available In PostgreSQL || Part 3 For Loop...

In the third part of our PostgreSQL Cursors series, we focus on For Loop Cursors, a powerful feature that allows you to iterate over the rows of a result set one by one. This technique is particularly useful when you need to perform operations on each row returned by a query, such as updating records, calculating values, or logging data.

We begin by explaining the concept of cursors in a For Loop and how they differ from other types of cursors. You’ll learn how to declare and use a For Loop Cursor in PostgreSQL, with step-by-step instructions and clear examples that demonstrate its practical applications. We also discuss common scenarios where For Loop Cursors are most effective, such as batch processing and automated data handling tasks.

The video also covers best practices for using For Loop Cursors efficiently, including tips on optimizing performance and managing resources within your PostgreSQL environment. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a thorough understanding of how to leverage For Loop Cursors to automate and enhance your database operations.

Whether you're new to PostgreSQL or looking to expand your expertise, this tutorial provides valuable insights into the effective use of cursors in a loop for database programming.

PostgreSQL For Loop Cursors, using For Loop Cursors PostgreSQL, cursor loops in PostgreSQL, SQL cursors tutorial, PostgreSQL database management, loop processing SQL, PostgreSQL cursor examples, data handling PostgreSQL, database automation, advanced SQL techniques

call for_loop_cursor(1);

create or replace procedure for_loop_cursor(in_actor_id in integer)
language plpgsql
as $$
lv_string character varying(200);
loop_rec record;
for loop_rec in 
select f.title from film_actor fa,film f 
where fa.film_id = f.film_id 
and actor_id = in_actor_id
lv_string := 'Title: '||loop_rec.title;
raise notice '%',lv_string;
end loop;
exception when others then
raise notice 'Something Went Wrong';

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